“Farmers as agents of change” was the name of the hybrid event on 20.01.2022, which ORCA planned, designed and implemented. Several experienced farmers from diverse sectors were invited to share ways to achieve sustainable food systems in the event, which was broadcast live. The event was developed for the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
It is part of the continuation of the National Dialogue, which was launched in the context of the UN World Summit on Food Systems. The goal is to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030. In order to achieve them, the focus of the dialogue is to jointly develop solutions for the German food system of the future. All food system stakeholders were invited to participate in the event.
For the National Dialogue with the focus topic “Providing nutrition sustainably together” ORCA developed a digital dialogue platform, where not only all stakeholders of the food system can participate in live events of the National Dialogue, but also have the opportunity to exchange ideas among each other outside the events, and arrange video call meetings on the platform. Program planning, promotion, and technical implementation were performed by ORCA.
Services provided by ORCA Affairs:
- Participant management
- Conception, design and editorial preparation
- Research
- Creation of and compliance with a hygiene concept
- Design and coordination of the set
- Programming of the conference platform
- Technical preparation and implementation of the live event
- Coordination and implementation of a community wall via videoconferencing for the involvement of the audience (about 500 registered and logged in participants)