ORCA Affairs was commissioned by Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI), which is owned by the German Federal Ministry of Economics, to design and implement an international media campaign for the “Digital Hub Initiative” in 2021. This included media planning and control as well as evaluation of the campaign. 

The central goal of the campaign and of the initiative itself is to position Germany as a contact point for investments and digital innovations. Foreign investors and startups are to use the initiative to exchange information and network with the digital hubs. 

The campaign was rolled out in a total of nine countries, including France, the United Kingdom and Israel. Channel-specific advertising materials were created in several languages. The campaign generated a total of around 64,800,000 impressions and 260,000 clicks across all platforms, successfully increasing traffic to the initiative’s website. 

Bundespolizei-Taschendiebe Kampagne

Within the framework of the German EU Presidency 2020, ORCA Affairs and ORCA Campaign were commissioned by the German Federal Police (BPOL) with the conception and implementation of an EU-wide prevention campaign to counter the phenomenon of bag and hand luggage theft in the area of international rail-bound travel in as many EU member states as possible. 

The challenge was to combine the existing, country-specific awareness campaigns in a joint umbrella campaign and thus position it as a European initiative, starting from Germany. 

The campaign focused on where the risk of pickpocketing is greatest – at train stations. Potentially endangered passengers were encouraged to be careful with posters and short clips and could use their transfer time to learn more about the tricks of pickpockets in direct dialog with the BPOL (German Federal Police).

Blumenschenker Bundespolizei Kampagne
FakeTourist Bundespolizei Kampagne
Podiumsdiskussion Nationaler Dialog

“Farmers as agents of change” was the name of the hybrid event on 20.01.2022, which ORCA planned, designed and implemented. Several experienced farmers from diverse sectors were invited to share ways to achieve sustainable food systems in the event, which was broadcast live. The event was developed for the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. 

It is part of the continuation of the National Dialogue, which was launched in the context of the UN World Summit on Food Systems. The goal is to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030. In order to achieve them, the focus of the dialogue is to jointly develop solutions for the German food system of the future. All food system stakeholders were invited to participate in the event. 

For the National Dialogue with the focus topic “Providing nutrition sustainably together” ORCA developed a digital dialogue platform, where not only all stakeholders of the food system can participate in live events of the National Dialogue, but also have the opportunity to exchange ideas among each other outside the events, and arrange video call meetings on the platform. Program planning, promotion, and technical implementation were performed by ORCA. 

Services provided by ORCA Affairs: 

  • Participant management    
  • Conception, design and editorial preparation 
  • Research 
  • Creation of and compliance with a hygiene concept 
  • Design and coordination of the set 
  • Programming of the conference platform 
  • Technical preparation and implementation of the live event 
  • Coordination and implementation of a community wall via videoconferencing for the involvement of the audience (about 500 registered and logged in participants) 


Dieser Showreel zeigt unsere vielfältigen Produktionen aus dem Jahr 2020: 

  • EU Ratspräsidentschaft 2020
  • BK / 12. Integrationsgipfel
  • BMI/PG-DIT, BMI/Nationaler
  • Pakt Cybersicherheit
  • BMI/Berliner Erklärung
  • BMJV/70 Jahre Grundgesetz
  • BK/Tag der offenen Tür
  • BBfMI/Integrationspreis 2019
  • BBfMI/Ausländische Fachkräfte
  • BBfMI/Integrationspreis 2020
  • BKA/SIS 3.0
  • IDM/Handmade in Germany
  • BMVI/Radweg Deutsche Einheit
  • Ornamin
  • BPOL/JETs in Action
  • BBK/Lükex
  • BMI/E-Akte Bund
  • BPOL/Im Einsatz mit
  • BPOL/50k
  • Iprex
  • BMVg/Video zum Volkstrauertag,
  • BMI/c-19 Covid Chatbot,
  • BVA/Intelligente Verwaltung
  • BK Integrationsgipfel
  • BSI/IT-Sicherheitskongress
  • BMI/Nationaler Pakt Cybersicherheit
  • BfS/Stimmen von der Straße
  • BSI/IT-Sicherheitskongress
  • BPOL/Bundespolizeiakademie
  • BPOL/Podcast.

The subject of our commission was a bilingual campaign for suicide prevention for women with a Turkish migration background which we helped to develop in a leading role. ORCA Affairs created a campaign logo and several image motifs, various information materials and products for traditional advertising (print, radio, TV, metro and other means of transport).

We developed the website, performed public relations and organized a launch event. The campaign was awarded the prize for “best campaign” at the KommGe Awards 2011.

70JahreGrundgesetz Politische Kampagne

For the 70-year anniversary of the constitution, ORCA Affairs and ORCA Campaign created the messenger project “70 Jahre Grundgesetz” for the Federal Ministry of Justice and consumer Protection. The narrator Karl, a fictitious stenographer of the parliament council, reports from the year 1949.

This is the year, in which our constitution was created, witnessed by Karl. He communicates in real time what was happening through different types of media: texts, historical videos, and direct messages. Readers could receive Karl’s messages through a variety of messenger services directly. This also enabled a direct exchange and dialogue with the target audience. The campaign was a success: over 3.600 messages from the community reached Karl.

The author of these texts is the well-known columnist and author Christian Bommarius, who won the Heinrich-Mann-Preis for his journalistic work in 2018. The digital campaign had the goal to create an awareness for the meaning of our constitution – for each and every one of us.

The police union “Gewerkschaft der Polizei” (GdP) is the biggest police union worldwide. Their 150.000 members give 100% on their daily missions. And now they are asking for this 100% commitment from the state.

ORCA Affairs and ORCA Campaign created a concept and implemented a campaign for the GdP that effectively summarizes and publicizes the demands of the GdP. For this campaign, members of the GdP from different areas were photographed for a testimonial campaign on a federal level.

May 1st, GdPixeldemo

May first is traditionally the day of unions. With one exception: members of the GdP cannot demonstrate for their demands on this day, because they have to ensure the security of others. This year limited contact due to Corona posed an additional hurdle.

The solution? ORCA Affairs created a digital Pixel-demonstration on the campaign website. Here you can join the demonstration fairly easily: add your initials, your age, your cause, and add your avatar via drag & drop to the digital march. It is still possible to participate: https://www.100fuer100.de

Keyvisual Selbstschutzkampagne

„Für alle Fälle vorbereitet“ –

Informationskampagne zum Thema Selbstschutz

Im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK) haben ORCA Affairs und ORCA Campaign eine Kampagne konzipiert und umgesetzt, deren primäres Ziel es ist, die Gesellschaft für die Notwendigkeit der Selbsthilfefähigkeit sowie für konkrete Maßnahmen im Bereich Selbstschutz zu sensibilisieren.

Um das allgemeine Risikobewusstsein zu stärken, ohne dabei abschreckende Bedrohungsszenarien zu entwerfen, wurde ein humorvoller Kreationsansatz gewählt. Surreale Katastrophenszenarien stehen stellvertretend für echte Katastrophen.

Im Zentrum der ersten Kampagnenphase mit Launch im Oktober 2021 stehen vier animierte TV-Spots, die als niederschwellige, aufmerksamkeitsstarke Leuchtturmmaßnahmen dienen. Begleitet wurden diese durch eine umfangreiche online und offline Mediaausspielung im Kampagnenlook.

Die zweite Kampagnenphase 2022 behandelt die vier Schwerpunktthemen “Extremwetter”, “Bevorratung”, “Notgepäck/Dokumentensicherung” und “Stromausfall”, die durch Social Media, Erklärfilme, Influencerkooperationen und weitere Kommunikationsmaßnahmen vermittelt werden.


www.wir-sind-bund.de is the apprenticeship and job-portal of the entire federal administration. Since February 2021 the portal presents itself in a modern look: It was re-designed and given a new editorial concept. Next to job-offers you can also find on the website new information around the topic applications, especially without a German passport or a German School diploma.

ORCA Affairs and ORCA Campaign were tasked by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to create a concept and implement an ad-campaign for the job platform on a federal level. The young age group of 15–25-year old’s was addressed directly offline and online with a wide-ranging action-portfolio. The goal of the campaign was to increase the awareness of the job-portal, enforce the integration of young people with migration backgrounds, as well as to support the advancement of an inter-cultural opening of the federal administration.

At the heart of the campaign the key visuals encompass 22 diverse figures, who represent the intercultural openness of the federal administration. In addition to a variety of online-advertisements on the most important social media platforms of the target audience ORCA Affairs is also developing a micro-site enabling users to playfully get to know ‘Wir sind Bund’ through the creation of their own avatar.

Treffen der G7-Agrarministerinnen und -minister

Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) organisierte ORCA Affairs gemeinsam mit der Partneragentur VATERBLUT das G7-Treffen der Agrarministerinnen und -minister in Stuttgart (Universität Hohenheim und Waldhotel).

An dem Treffen nahm auch der ukrainische Landwirtschaftsminister Solskyj teil. Zentrales Thema des Treffens war der völkerrechtswidrige Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine, dessen Folgen für die Ukraine selbst sowie die Auswirkungen auf die Ernährungssicherheit.

Neben der Organisation sowie der konzeptionellen und technischen Umsetzung des hybriden Treffens am 13. und 14. Mai 2022 wurde ein Anmeldeportal für die Delegationen programmiert.

Gesundheit Politische Kampagne


For the early summer of 2021 ORCA developed a concept and implemented a campaign around the topic ‘heat’ in the name of the Federal Center of Health education. A campaign website, including the concept, technical oversight, editorial and content-care, SEO-optimization and the analysis of user statistics was created. ORCA also created the corporate design, a coherent brand for both the written word and pictures, design grids and a corporate kit.

Furthermore, ORCA designed 10 postcards and created a concept for their distribution. Social Media kits tailored to specific target audiences were created and currently an interactive Quiz is designed by ORCA for the website of the Federal Center for Health Education.

In the future, this campaign will be expanded with further topics that relate to health consequences cause by climate change. Currently ORCA is consulting the Federal Center of Health Education creatively as well as conceptually about new measurements for the early summer of 2022.

For the federal police force ORCA Affairs applied its strength and experience in the area of recruitment campaigning. We react to the increased demand of personnel with a wide-stretching approach to the campaign that connects the online- and offline dialogue.

We target potential police candidates from Gen Z with a fresh and emotional campaign language. At the center of the campaign: of course, the police officers themselves!

Whether in motion picture, on social media with influencer cooperations, or at “Coffee with a Cop” at train stations and other live-events – they represent potential role models and people to identify with, representing the diversity of the federal police force doing thrilling work with a purpose.

Federal Police Force interactive – Julia Beautx vs. Luca

As part of the recruitment campaign the ORCA group, together with Studio 71, created a successful influencer campaign for the federal police force. The goal: place the police as an attractive employer in the minds of Gen Z. The result is an interactive video, in which the well-known Youtubers Julia Beautx and LUCA compete against each other solving a fictitious case – supported by police candidates from the apprenticeship- and training center Eschwege.

The eight-part video-series has an interactive character, spectators can insert themselves into the displayed police work. The video-series was a complete success. Within the first 24 hours it was successfully placed on place 1 and 2 of the YouTube trends and until this day was watched around 5,3 Mio times. Since autumn 2017 the ORCA group is working in the recruitment campaign of the federal police force. You can find more information at www.komm-zur-bundespolizei.de.

„FUNKDISZIPLIN“ – the Federal Police Force Podcast

As part of the recruitment campaign ORCA produced the federal police podcast ‘FUNKDISZIPLIN’. Since June 2019 five real police officers exchange their radio for a microphone to give the listeners an insight into their work routine. Every two weeks a new episode is published in which Johannna, Susann, Simon, Daniel and Philippp discuss apprenticeship possibilities and career options in the federal police force. In special episodes they get visited by a variety of specific units – ranging from sniffer dogs over the special unit GSG9 to the president of the federal police force, Dr. Dieter Romann. The podcast is mainly targeted at Gen Z, more specifically, future police candidates.

Since the publication of the first episode two seasons with a total of 24 episodes went online, reaching around 34.000 listeners and 23.000 subscribers.

You can listen to the podcast ‘FUNKDISZIPLIN’ on the usual platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Deezer, as well as on the YouTube channel and the career website of the federal police www.komm-zur-bundespolizei.de nachzuhören.

“Volunteering Campaign – No matter what you can do, you can help”

Without volunteering, civil protection in Germany would be unthinkable: ORCA Affairs and ORCA Campaign have been drawing attention to this on behalf of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) since June 2021 – with the help of the nationwide campaign “No matter what you can do, you can help.” 

In addition to the goal of giving a face to the diversity of volunteering in Germany, the campaign aims to inspire more volunteers to take on the variety of different tasks of civil protection. The campaign’s key message is that anyone and everyone can help with their skills. 

Special attention is paid to those people who have been underrepresented in civil protection up to now: People with migration and refugee backgrounds, women, senior citizens, students, and people with mental or physical disabilities. 

The campaign has already presented a wide variety of fields of activity and tasks in different content formats – for example, in the “Freiwillig busy” podcast with presenter and activist Luisa L’Audace or in the Follow Me Around format “Und Action” with influencers Ilka Brühl and Vreni Frost. 

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

Infleuncer Kampagne Ehrenamt

On the occasion of Volunteer Day on December 5, 2021, there was the campaign “Show us your volunteering!” in which volunteers sent in photos and videos of their involvement. Selected photos were published from December 3rd to 5th at subway, commuter and mainline stations throughout Germany, as well as on social media. 

Video of the participation campaign: 

All formats, testimonials and further information on the campaign can be found on the website www.mit-dir-fuer-uns-alle.de. The campaign will be continued in 2022 with further formats.